It has long be a tradition to give a token of your appreciation to the bridesmaids, groomsmen and others that have helped out in the wedding planning process. These are generally family members or close friends and they have given up time to help you make your wedding day special. Also remember that being part of a wedding usually comes with at least a few financial responsibilities. Therefore, while it is not completely required to give your bridal party gifts, it is always a good idea to show your appreciation.
There are really no set standards as to the type of gift to give, the cost or if they should all be the same for each member of the bridal party. Here are some guidelines to guide you in your gift giving.
Who Receives a Gift? One of the oldest traditions when it comes to gift giving is the bride and groom exchanging a gift. While it is a tradition, it is not mandatory. Giving a gift to your parents is a relatively new custom and shows your appreciation for their help with your wedding. The maid of honor and bridesmaids generally receive nice mementos from the bride. Also, as a general rule the Maid of Honor will usually receive a gift of greater value. The groomsmen and best man will generally receive nice token gifts as well such as nice pen and pencil sets, photo frames or watches. Like the maid of honor, the best man generally receives a gift of a higher value. While the flower girl and ring bearer don't play a huge part in your wedding, they did practice long and hard to get it right. It's only fitting to give them a small token of your appreciation. It can be something similar to the older girls and guys or it could be as simple as a special sweet treat.
You can find some great resources for bridal party gifts on the internet. There are several sites to help you if you choose to make them youself and there are numerous sites you can order almost any type of gift from. Beware if you choose to make these yourself. It is a wonderful gesture to give someone a handmade item from your heart. However, you may find the task is too time consuming and overwhelming. This, of course, does not mesh well with a relaxing and stress free
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